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Runner's knee is pain felt around, under or on the sides of the knee cap. Every runner (physically active person) has gone through this kind of knee pain at least once in his lifetime. Runner's Knee in medical terms is known as Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome.

  • It is the most common cause of knee pain.
  • The cartilage under the kneecap(patella) gets damaged due to overuse or injury.
  • Patella articulates in the patellofemoral groove of the femur, but due to overuse of knee joint patella gets tilted or slides laterally and then comes in repetitive contact with femur and so it gets malposition and then due to friction cartilage gets damaged and causes inflammation.

CAUSE OF KNEE PAIN in ATHLETES (active people)

  • "Weakness" and "Stiffness"  in antagonist muscles respectively, there by balancing the load but damaging the joint in long term
  • vigorous physical activities that puts repeated stress on the knee such as Jogging, Squatting, Climbing Stairs.
  • Sudden trauma while playing


  • Flat foot, High arched foot, incorrect gait pattern, wearing wrong shoes.
  • Above mechanical changes are compensated by the knee joint by bending to another side for counter balancing the load.
  • McConnell's Patellofemoral Test is performed to confirm Runner's Knee Syndrome.
  • the pain is observed in the knee joint by flexing it in different angles (30° 60° 90° 120°) and is compared by performing the same procedure but this time restricting patellar movement side to side.
  • If Pain decreases significantly after holding patella medially then knee joint has lateral tracking problems.
  • If Pain decreases significantly after holding patella laterally then knee joint has medial tracking problem.


  • Knee Pain due to overuse must be treated with RICE Technique :- Rest Ice Compress Elevate.
  • Physical Therapy combined with Massages provide relief instantly. 
  • Strengthening the muscles around your knees and hips (especially your quadriceps) will ease stress on your knees. 
  • These exercises help correct problems with alignment and muscle balance around your knees
  • Exercises like 
  • Straight leg raise
  • Side lying lift
  • Quadricep Stretch
  • Hamstring Stretch
  • Iliotibial rolling

Chondromalacia Patella (damage to undersurface of patella) 

  • It is responsible for severe knee pain while activity. 
  • It may develop when the knee pain is ignored for longer duration and is left untreated. 
  • The cartilage surface below Patella gets damaged due to friction and because of inflammatory response causes severe pain in knee region. 
  • Its Treatment involves improving the alignment of the patella during contraction of the thigh muscle. 
  • Alignment is brought back by following specific exercises and restricting excessive activity for long periods.


Iliotibial Band Syndrome (IT Band Syndrome)

  • IT Band syndrome occurs when the ligament extending from the pelvic bone to the shin bone becomes so tight that it rubs against the thighbone. Distance runners are especially susceptible to it. The pain is felt mostly outside of the knee.
  • Ober's Test is done to diagnose tightness or Friction in IT Band.

Treatment for Knee Pain due to IT Band Syndrome
  • Physical Therapy and massage is the best choice of treatment.
  • IT Band Tightness can be eased down by foam rolling the outer side of thigh and glute region.
  • Check the Exercises provided in video following.
  • These exercises will provide relief to your Knee instantly but they must be practiced regularly for pain free lifestyle.
  • Exercises must be continued after recovering to strengthen your leg muscle.
  • To stabilize the patella in the patellar groove and restricting it from gliding laterally while moving.
  • Wearing KT Tape or Brace helps to reduce pain by shifting your weight off the most damaged portion of your knee. Wearing a brace can improve your ability to get around and help you walk farther comfortably.
  • How to apply KT Tape.

Measures to Prevent KNEE PAIN

  • Wear shoes with good support that fit well.
  • Effective Warm up before playing.
  • Stretching after vigorous activity.
  • Stop exercising if you feel pain or stiffness while work out.
  • Have a proper gait pattern
  • Visit a doctor if you have extreme problem with knee

Comment us about your own experiences on injuries while playing. Your comeback story will be featured on this blog in a special section.


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