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All about Knee Pain while Bending Knee

Knee pain while bending


Bending of knee is actually complex mechanical process in which numerous Anatomical entity function synchronously to make the movement possible. It seems very simple to bend the knee but biomechanically many ligaments and muscles work together. So knee pain could be the result of any one or group of them dysfunctioning. Most common cause of knee pain in elderly is seen to be arthritis that is inflammation of joints.
We can have a never ending list of probable causes for knee pain like the one given below.
Knee pain when knee is bent could be result of recent injury or inflammation in your knee joint. If the pain is all over knee joint that is diffuse pain then probable cause would be arthritis or osteoarthritis but if the pain is localised to a side or back or front of knee then it may involve a particular ligament or muscle malfunction.

How to differentiate between injury and Arthritis pain?

You can easily differentiate between injury pain or or other probable cause as injury pain will diminish with time and the other won't. Swelling and redness would be present at site of injury.

How do I know if my knee pain is serious?  

If pain does not diminish with time and interrupts with your day to day work then you must visit a doctor.

Why does the side of my knee hurt when I bend?

Hurt over Medial side or Inner side could be due to medial collateral ligament tear.

Hurt over lateral side or outer side could be due to IT BAND SYNDROME or history of Trauma.

Site of knee pain

Can barely bend knee?

RICE Protocol must be followed initially i.e. REST, ICE, COMPRESS, ELEVATE. After all these method pain doesn't decrease then you should visit a doctor.

Why is my knee tight when I bend?

Knee Tightness or Stiffness are probable sign of arthritis, reason behind stiffness of joint is the the lubricating fluid i.e. Synovial fluid. Decrease in Synovial fluid or changes in the fluid would lead to to improper lubrication of the articulating bones.

Why can't I bend my knee past 90 degrees?

There could be numerous reason behind this starting from simple injury to osteoarthritis. You must visit a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Can't bend knee all the way after injury?

One must not hurry with the process of rehabilitation as it won't result into positive outcome and can worsen the situation. Legitimate Diagnostic tests like x-ray are MRI would be necessary to diagnose the real cause behind it.

Can you bend your knee with a torn meniscus?

Torn meniscus injury hurts a lot. One can bend the knee if can bear that amount of pain but it is strictly restricted to do so just after the reconstructive surgery as per rehab protocols.

How do you fix knee pain when bending?

To fix knee pain on bending we must know the sure shot cause behind it. 

Must Watch for Knee Pain

Pain due to injury or trauma would decrease over time as it heals to have still the process of healing you can add you food items to your diet like green vegetables and Omega 3 rich Walnuts, Vitamin C enriched oranges, Vitamin D is too good for bone health. 

Comment us about your own experiences on injuries. Your comeback story will be featured on this blog in a special section.


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