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Showing posts with the label How to Diagnose Ankle Sprain


Ankle Sprain Treatment SPRAINED OR TWISTED ANKLE An ankle sprain is an injury to the tough bands of tissue (ligaments) that surround and connect the bones of the leg to the foot. When ligaments surrounding the ankle are pushed past their boundaries, it causes a sprain. These ligaments help stabilize the joint hence preventing excessive movement.  ANATOMY OF TWISTED ANKLE Most commonly involved ligaments are the one present outside of the ankle . What Causes Ankle Sprain ? Placing foot wrong way when running Wearing high heels or shoes that don’t fit well Signs and Symptoms of Ankle Sprain swelling tenderness bruising pain in ability to put weight on the affected ankle skin discoloration  stiffness Tenderness to touch Instability of the ankle—this may occur in severe cases How to Diagnose Ankle Sprain Anterior Draw - tests  ATFL Talar Tilt - tests (anterior  talofibular  ligaments ) CFL Posterior Draw - tests  (calcan...