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मलेरिया लस | Malarial Vaccine

मलेरिया लस  ● काय आहे मलेरिया?          मलेरिया हा डासांच्या चावण्यामुळे होणारा रोग आहे. प्लाझमोडियम वायवॅक्स यामुळे होतो व ॲनाफिलीस डासांद्वारे तो पसरतो.          याचा प्रादुर्भाव विषुववृत्तीय भागांत जास्त आहे. मलेरिया चे गांभीर्य लक्षात घेता २५ एप्रिल हा जागतिक मलेरिया दिन म्हणून ओळखला जातो. ● किती घातक आहे मलेरिया? जगभरात मलेरियामुळे एका वर्षात सरासरी चार लाख नागरिकांचा मृत्यू होतो. यामध्ये आफ्रिका खंडातील बालकांची संख्या लक्षणीय आहे.तसेच भारतातील हे प्रमाण ७७०० आहे. ● मलेरिया लसी साठी पूर्वी केलेले प्रयत्न? डासांच्या शरीरात निर्माण झालेले प्लाझमोडियमचे बिजाणूज हे त्यांच्या लाळेद्वारे माणसाच्या शरीरात टोचले जाऊन माणसाला मलेरियाची लागण होते. बिजाणूजपासून लस तयार करण्याची कल्पना १९६७ साली ऑस्ट्रियन-ब्राझिलियन संशोधिका रूथ नुझेनझ्वाइग या संशोधिकेने उचलून धरली होती. इ.स. २००२ साली अमेरिकन संशोधक स्टीफन हॉफमन याने गामा किरणांचा वापर करून अ‍ॅनोफेलिस डासाच्या मादीच्या शरीरातील बिजाणूजची रोगकारकशक्ती क्षीण करून त्यापासून लस तयार केली. ही लस टोचलेले उंदीर रोगप्रतिकारक्षम असल्याचे निदर्शनात आ

केराटोसिस पिलारीस | Keratosis Pilaris

केराटोसिस पिलारीस    ● केराटोसिस पिलारीस काय आहे?  हा एक त्वचा विकार आहेमुख्यत्वेकरुन गाल ,मांडी नितंबावर आढळतो. याला "चिकन स्कीन" असेही म्हणतात. ● केराटोसिस पिलारीस ची कारणे? असं होतं की केराटीन नावाचा पदार्थ हेअर फॉलिकल म्हणजेच केसांच्या मुळांमध्ये साचतो व केसांच्या जागी पुरळ/ मुरूम तयार होते. केराटीन तयार होण्याची कारणे, १)एटोपीक डर्माटायटीस २) धागे,वातावरणातील घातक पदार्थ यांचीअलर्जी ३) (जनुकिय) कारणे ४) काळ ५) शक्ती कमी होणे ६) वल्गारिस ● केराटोसिस पिलारिस ची लक्षणे?   १)त्वचा गडद होणे २) लाल पुरळ येणे ३) त्वचा ४) खाज ● केराटोसिस पिलारिस कसा टाळावा? १) कपड्यांपासून घर्षण टाळा २) ह्युमिडिफायर वापरा ३) वापरा ४) व स्वच्छ पाणी वापरा   ५) आहार घ्या. ६) सौम्य व्हा: कठोर, सुकाईने साबण टाळा आणि हलक्या रंगाच्या कापडाने किंवा लोफहने मृत त्वचा (exfoliate) काढून टाका ● केराटोसिस पिलारीस कोणाला होऊ शकतो?  ⊙ वयोगट?  केराटोसिस पिलिरिस कोणत्याही वयात होऊ शकतो.    ⊙ सामान्य लिंग?  स्त्री-पुरुष कोणालाही होऊ शकतो. ● केराटोसिस पिलिरिस वर उपचार? १)लेसर थेरपी: केराटोसिस पिलिरिसचे लक्षण सुधार


KNEE IMPLANTS FOR KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY KNEE IMPLANTS are used to replace articulating surfaces of knee joint when they severely get damaged. Joint surfaces are deteriorated to such an extent,they can't be recovered with use of conservative methods like  Anti-inflammatory meds (NSAIDS) Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate HydroCortisone injections directly into the knee joint Viscous fluid injections (to increase lubricatant within knee joint Limiting rigorous activities Crutches and knee gaurds for walking Weight loss( obese) Knee Implants are most commonly used in case of Osteoarthritic Knee joint, even in rheumatoid arthritis , psoriatic arthritis or severe knee injuries. Knee Implants are highly successful and reproducible treatment for patients having serious knee joint issues, with more than 600,000 surgeries performed each year in the USA 85 to 90 percent of all total  knee replacement  operations performed are  successful. Surgery for Knee Implant  What is the alter

All about Knee Pain while Bending Knee

KNEE PAIN WHILE BENDING Bending of knee is actually complex mechanical process in which numerous Anatomical entity function synchronously to make the movement possible. It seems very simple to bend the knee but biomechanically many ligaments and muscles work together. So knee pain could be the result of any one or group of them dysfunctioning. Most common cause of knee pain in elderly is seen to be arthritis that is inflammation of joints. We can have a never ending list of probable causes for knee pain like the one given below. Chondromalacia Osteoarthritis Arthritis Pfps Torn meniscus Torn ligament Knee or patellar fracture Baker's cyst  Injury or trauma Knee bursitis Why does my knee hurt when bent? Knee pain when knee is bent could be result of recent injury or inflammation in your knee joint. If the pain is all over knee joint that is diffuse pain then probable cause would be arthritis or osteoarthritis but if the pain is localised to a side or back or front of knee the

How to Cure Flat Feet

  Flat Feet   How to CURE FLAT FEET  Numerous approaches for treatment of Flat Feet are available, ranging from simple exercises to typical foot surgeries. Choice of Treatment mostly depends over the severity of symptoms: Pain while walking Change in Gait Pattern Radiating Pain to the Back Inabilty to Run  Decrease in Ankle mobility or Range of Motion Hammertoes Bunnions PFPS and many more In Most of the cases people get adapted to their flat feet condition without facing any of the symptom. Non Surgical Cure of Flat Feet  Cure for mild symptoms could be simply doing some specific stretches/exercises. Exercise to relieve Flat Feet Exercises / Stretches to Cure Flat Feet Picking Marle with toe Tennis Ball roll with Foot Heel Cord Stretch Short Foot Calf Stretch Heel Raise Toe Yoga Even wearing an appropriate orthotic foot sole within your shoes can provide relief from Falt Feet. Orthotic Insole to arch the Feet Meds to cope with Flat Feet Pain Taking pain killers will help to handle th

Most Recommended STRETCH for SHIN SPLINTS

SHIN SPLINTS  STRETCH As shin splints are result of inflammation or wearing down of connective tissues in relation to shin bone .  By stretching up the muscles in the shin region will provide relief.  Most crucial muscle involved in shin splints is anterior tibialis.  Mechanism behind stretching muscle is that tissues related to the muscle will get used to sudden change.  That is tissues will adapt to stressful condition and would not wreck in adverse situation. Stretching anterior tibialis muscle would provide proper blood supply in the shin region which will ensure nutrition and oxyzen demand of the shin tissues . These are few stretches one can do for shin splints. Best Shin Splints Stretch Easier Shin splints stretch Shin splints stretch with towel Shin splint strerch against wall Shin Splints stretch over floor Shin splints stretch with partner One must efficiently perform above shin splints stretches .  Stretch must focus over the shin bone region.  Pain that occurs while

Why do Shin Splints happen

SHIN SPLINTS Why do shin splints happen  Shin splints happen cause of change in the lifestyle. That change could be sudden(accidental) or gradual(overuse). Most often shin splints are result of rise in the physical activity which creates excessive pressure over bone tissues, precisely the shin bone (tibia) in case of shin splints .  Shin splints aka MTSS (medial tibial stress syndrome) or Periostitis tibial is inflammation in periostium(outermost layer) of shin bone. Mechanism behind Pain of Shin Splints The pain is caused by disruption of connective tissue which connects the medial soleus fascia(tissue covering muscle) through the periosteum(outermost layer of bone) of the tibia. With repetitive stress, the impact of forces eccentrically fatigue the soleus(leg muscle significant for running) and create repeated tibial(major bone in lower leg) bending or bowing, leading to Shin Splints . This is the answer to " why do shin splints happen ". What are shin splints caused by


JUMPER'S KNEE / PATELLAR TENDINOSIS / PATELLAR TENDONITIS / PATELLAR TENDINOPATHY Tendinosis differs from its cousin tendonitis in a few important ways.  Tendinosis can indeed produce pain, stiffness and swelling in a tendon. However, it usually develops gradually as a result of long-term overuse.  Probably many, many microtears over a long period of time rather than a more acute injury.  It isn't inflammation like tendonitis , it's degeneration.  As such, the greater the extent of cellular changes in the tendon, the longer and more difficult the healing process.  Since tendinosis is a chronic condition, this doesn't have one root cause.  It's a common knee injury seen in athletes.  Patellar tendon starts degenerating due to it's overuse and poor conditioning.  Small tears in the tendon can make it difficult to walk. A large or complete tear of the patellar tendon is a serious disabling injury ( Torn Patellar Tendon ).  Torn Tendon usually requires surgery an