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Mucormycosis aka Phycomycosis or Zygomycosis is an invasive disease caused by Zygomycetes. 

The species include:




These fungi are present in soil and their spores are present in air and dust. They are often seen to contaminate stale bread.


Mucomycosis spreads from a primary focus in the upper respiratory tract or nasal cavity, where spores germinate and mycelia invade the adjacent tissues.

Angio-invasiveness (invading in vessels) is one of the characteristics of mucormycosis which makes it fatal by invading orbit, nasal sinuses, brain tissue. Lungs are mostly the main site of infection.


Through lungs fungi may invades arteries causing thrombosis and infarction.

In rhinocerebral form, the nose, nasal sinus and orbits are involved. 

Laboratory Diagnosis for Mucomycosis

Step wise:-

1. Isolation of Specimen :

a Exudate- A wet preparation is made in like 10% KOH. Broad, ribbon like hyphae are seen.

Tissue hyphae strain easily with hematoxylin and eosinophilic stain.

2. Culture :

Isolation is by culture on sabourauds Dextrose agar. After incubation of 3-4 days at 30-37°C,  grey-white  colonies with thick cottony, fluffy surface are seen.

Under the microscope, non-septate, broad hyphae which end in with aerial sporangiospore sporangium are seen.

Treatment for Mucormycosis 

• Intravenous amphotericin B + surgical drainage of fungi and debris or necrotic tissue.

• Diabetes must be controlled.

Hey, thanks for reading this article over mucomycosis and do explore our blog for more information about health and wellness.

- Sanika Oswal


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