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Tennis elbow is inflammation of lateral epicondyle of humerus bone. Pain is felt over outer side of elbow.

  • Actually it is often an overuse injury.
  • It occurs when the muscles and tendons in your forearm are strained due to repetitive use.
  • It can also sometimes occur after a trauma to your elbow.
  • Even frequent usage of forearm and wrist can cause it. 
Activities that can cause Tennis Elbow
  • Sports like tennis, badminton, squash, javelin throw or discus throw.
  • Gardner's using shears or Painters using paintbrush for long duration can get Tennis Elbow .
  • Nowadays, seen in people who are involved in fine, repetitive hand and wrist movements like using scissors or typing .
  • Mobile Phones are novel cause for tennis elbow.
  • Even Musicians playing Violin are at Risk.
How to confirm that you have Tennis Elbow ?
  • Usually it is self-diagnosable
  • Pain is the primary symptom. 
  • Pain and tenderness in the bony knob on the outside of your elbow 
  • It can radiate sometimes to the forearm and wrist.

Test to confirm Tennis Elbow pain

Pain ranges from mild to severe that can be felt when your elbow is moving or still.

Tennis Elbow pain radiating in forearm

The pain is often worse when you use your arm for twisting movements and while repetitive wrist movements, such as extending your wrist and gripping (The way you hold a Racquet) and other day to day activities.

What If Tennis Elbow is not treated ?
It does not usually lead to serious problems. However, loss of motion or loss of function of the elbow and forearm can develop which in turn will affect your daily life activities.

Treatment for Tennis Elbow
Physical Therapy
Goal is to improve the strength and flexibility of your forearm muscles so you won’t be bothered with tennis elbow again. Physical therapy helps improve blood flow to the tendons, which don’t get the same level of blood and oxygen supply as muscles normally receive. Physical therapy includes exercises and stretches.

How do exercises and Stretches provide relief ?
  • Wrist exercises increase flexibility and help lower the risk of injury. 
  • Stretches are recommended as a preventive measure or to ease slight pain. 
  • Your therapist will start with pain relief, then show you exercises that stretch and strengthen your muscles.
  • But before going to exercises, we must cure the Pain.
  • Ice massage are helpful.
Exercises for TENNIS ELBOW
  • Once the pain eases, you’ll move onto exercises. 
  • This isn’t a “no pain, no gain” exercise situation. If you’re hurting, stop. Pushing through it only makes it worse.
Forearm Stretch for tennis elbow pain
 Finger stretch, Ball squeeze etc are best exercises to stretch forearm muscles.

  • However, they should not be used by people with inflammation or serious joint damage unless recommended by a healthcare professional. 
  • This is because, in those cases, exercise could cause more harm to your wrists or hand.

Yoga to rehabilitate tennis elbiw pain

Even YOGA is a good way to rehabilitate the Tennis Elbow Pain.

Braces or straps for tennis elbow pain Patients
Tennis Elbow Braces or Straps
The tennis elbow sleeve combines a simple elbow sleeve with a strap. The sleeve provides compression, support and warmth for the entire elbow whilst the strap is tightened around the upper forearm.

KT tape for players suffering from tennis elbow pain
Kinesiology tape works when applied correctly by lifting the skin from the tissues below it. Most Players use it while playing.

Tennis Elbow Pain is very common and is not a serious problem to be worried about.
It can be treated with bit of rest and exercises.
Do write us if you have doubts or to give us suggestions.
Comment us about your own experiences on injuries while playing. Your comeback story will be featured on this blog in a special section.


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